Signal Enhancing / In Vehicle Solutions / Signal Boosters – 5G ready, the weBoost Drive Reach OTR is a powerful in-vehicle/semi-truck signal booster engineered to improve cellular signal while on the road. Easy to install, Drive Reach OTR is weBoosts most powerful multi-user, in-vehicle cell signal booster for semi-trucks. With its durable, redesigned omnidirectional OTR antenna, Drive Reach OTR can help drivers reduce lost connections while improving voice quality, data speeds, and streaming ability. Works with all cellular devices and all North American carriers.
WeBoost Drive Reach OTR In-Vehicle Signal Booster Kit includes: Extends cellular signal range. Ideal for semi-trucks and OTRs. Boosts multiple users/devices. Reaches the farthest cell towers. Works on all Canadas major carrier networks. DIY installation. Compliant with FCC & ISED regulations.